Thursday, December 13, 2007

Newly Discovered Giant Google Connection

I just took a phone call from a high school best friend. She wanted to see if I had heard about a girl we had gone to high school with, Lucy Southworth. Our high school, The Madeira School, was a private school of only about 300 girls so you pretty much knew everyone there. I remember the Southworth sisters from outside of school as well though. Carrie and Lucy were frequently at the local pool. Carrie worked as a life-guard at the Hamlet Swim Club where I swam and helped coach the club team. They were both extremely beautiful, tall blondes. Lucy, like myself, was pretty quiet and geeky in a way so we didn't talk much although we probably would have gotten along very well. However, upon being questioned of whether I had "heard the news" I was concerned something awful might have happened to the blast from the past. Thankfully it was good news to be told and nothing bad!

Apparently Lucy Southworth just got married to Larry Page of Google fame. A quick Google of Lucy's name turned up pictures of the couple, of course. I threw in one of the images although I don't know the source origin. I will just leave it at the fact that it came from Google, because honestly that is most likely the original source anyway. I still recognized Lucy and she is still tall, blonde and beautiful. She is also an extremely intelligent woman, going to undergrad at UPenn not to mention her other achievements. It is always pleasing news to hear about Madeira grads who have done something with themselves (not because Lucy married a billionaire, but because she matters and she wants to make a difference). I do believe the school groomed us to achieve great things. It has taken a good bit of time, but it certainly helped me be more confident in my career.

I also learned that Carrie Southworth is a model and actress in Los Angeles now. It seems that she lives in my neighborhood as well. Madeira connections can be interesting sometimes. I have probably seen her in passing and had no clue.

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